Erin International

Erin International

Our client needed a brand refresh to better reflect their evolving business values and appeal to a younger demographic.

In response to the dynamic shifts in their industry landscape and a desire to connect more effectively with a younger audience, our client recognized the imperative for a comprehensive brand refresh.

Driven by a commitment to remaining current, aligning with contemporary values, and resonating authentically with a dynamic audience, the refresh encompassed a holistic approach — from visual aesthetics and messaging to a profound reimagining of the overall brand experience.


We carried out some competitor research to find trends and patterns in the Agri-industry and wanted to the brand a elegant refresh.

With the knowledge gained from market research and competitor research we found ourselves on a sweet spot to go on and give Erin a fresh start with a logo rebranding and a website revamp to best portray their values to the audience and potential customer base